11/27/2024 ADOCIA – Investir Day – Nov. 2024 (FR) Icon check
05/03/2024 Investor Presentation – LSX World Congress – April 2024 Icon check
01/10/2024 ADOCIA – Investor Presentation – Biotech Showcase/JPM24 – January 2024 Icon check
11/28/2023 ADOCIA – Investir Day – Nov 2023 (FR) Icon check
11/13/2023 ADOCIA – LSX Investival Presentation – Nov 2023 Icon check
03/27/2019 Comparaison des profils pharmacocinétiques et de pharmacodynamie de l’insuline ultra rapide BioChaperone® Lispro avec les formulations Fiasp® et Novorapid® de l’insuline asparte administrées par pompes à insuline, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, March 27, 2019, Annual Congress of the Francophone of the Diabetes Society, Marseille (France)
03/27/2019 Comparaison des profils pharmacocinétiques et de pharmacodynamie de l’insuline ultra rapide BioChaperone® Lispro avec les formulations Fiasp® et Novorapid® de l’insuline asparte administrées par pompes à insuline, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, March 27, 2019, Annual Congress of the Francophone of the Diabetes Society, Marseille (France)
02/23/2019 The Ultra-Rapid Insulin BioChaperone® Lispro bolused by insulin pump shows favourable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics vs. faster Aspart and insulin Aspart, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 23, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)
02/23/2019 The Ultra-Rapid Insulin BioChaperone® Lispro bolused by insulin pump shows favourable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics vs. faster Aspart and insulin Aspart, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 23, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)
01/17/2019 BioChaperone Lispro versus faster aspart and insulin aspart in patients with type 1 diabetes using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion: A randomized euglycemic clamp study. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(4):1066-1070. Icon check
11/25/2018 Andersen G, Meiffren G, Lamers D, DeVries JH, Ranson A, Seroussi C, Alluis B, Gaudier M, Soula O, Heise T.
“Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro improves postprandial blood glucose excursions vs insulin lispro in a 14-day crossover treatment study in people with type 1 diabetes.”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2018;20(11):2627-2632.
Icon check
10/05/2018 The ultra-rapid insulin BioChaperone® Lispro shows favourable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics compared to faster insulin aspart and insulin aspart in insulin pumps, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1-5 October 2018, Berlin (Germany)
10/05/2018 BioChaperone® Lispro, an Ultra-Rapid Insulin Lispro formulation improves post-prandial blood glucose control in a 14-day multiple daily insulin injection study in Subjects with T1DM, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 14-17, 2018, ATTD, Vienna (Austria)
10/01/2018 “BioChaperone® 222, the new excipient enabling the ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro formulation, is completely absorbed and rapidly excreted after subcutaneous injection” (Poster 816), presented by Dr. Olivier Soula, 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1-5 October 2018, Berlin (Germany)
10/01/2018 The ultra-rapid insulin BioChaperone® Lispro shows favourable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics compared to faster insulin aspart and insulin aspart in insulin pumps, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1-5 October 2018, Berlin (Germany)
10/01/2018 “BioChaperone® 222, the new excipient enabling the ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro formulation, is completely absorbed and rapidly excreted after subcutaneous injection” (Poster 816), presented by Dr. Olivier Soula, 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1-5 October 2018, Berlin (Germany)
09/20/2018 “Pooled Analysis of Clinical Trials Investigating the Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Ultra-Rapid Insulin BioChaperone® Lispro (BCLIS) versus Lispro (LIS) in Subjects with Type 1 (T1D) and Type 2 (T2D) Diabetes” (Poster 998), presented by Dr. Tim Heise, 78th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 22-26 June 2018, Orlando, FL (USA)
07/12/2018 Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro improves postprandial blood glucose excursions vs insulin lispro in a 14-day crossover treatment study in people with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2018;20(11):2627-2632. Icon check
06/22/2018 “Pooled Analysis of Clinical Trials Investigating the Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Ultra-Rapid Insulin BioChaperone® Lispro (BCLIS) versus Lispro (LIS) in Subjects with Type 1 (T1D) and Type 2 (T2D) Diabetes” (Poster 998), presented by Dr. Tim Heise, 78th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 22-26 June 2018, Orlando, FL (USA)
06/22/2018 “The Ultra-Rapid Insulin (URI) BioChaperone® Lispro (BCLIS) shows Favorable Pharmacodynamics (PD) and Pharmacokinetics (PK) vs Faster Aspart (FIA) and Insulin Aspart (ASP) in Insulin Pumps (CSII)” (Poster 1035), presented by Dr. Bruce W. Bode, 78th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 22-26 June 2018, Orlando, FL (USA)
06/22/2018 “BioChaperone® Lispro, une formulation ultra-rapide d’insuline lispro, améliore le contrôle glycémique post-prandial de sujets diabétiques de type 1 traités par de multiples injections quotidiennes d’insuline pendant 14 jours.” (Abstract CAD-19), presented by Dr. Grégory Meiffren, 2018, Société Francophone du Diabète (France)
06/22/2018 “Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro ameliorates postprandial blood glucose (PPG) control compared to Humalog in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus” (Poster PI005), presented by Dr G. Anderson, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (ASCPT)
06/15/2018 Ultra-Rapid BioChaperone® Lispro ameliorates postprandial blood glucose control compared with Humalog(R) in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus, Dr. Grit Anderen, 76th Scientific Sessions American Diabetes Association 10-14 June 2016, New Orleans, LO (USA)
02/17/2018 BioChaperone® Lispro, an Ultra-Rapid Insulin Lispro formulation improves post-prandial blood glucose control in a 14-day multiple daily insulin injection study in subjects with T2DM, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 14-17, 2018, ATTD, Vienna (Austria)
02/14/2018 BioChaperone® Lispro, an Ultra-Rapid Insulin Lispro formulation improves post-prandial blood glucose control in a 14-day multiple daily insulin injection study in subjects with T2DM, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 14-17, 2018, ATTD, Vienna (Austria)
11/20/2017 “Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro (BCLIS) Improves Postprandial Blood Glucose (PPG) Excursions vs. Insulin Lispro (LIS) in a 14-Day Treatment Study in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM)” (Poster 964) presented by Dr. Tim Heise, 77th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 9-13 June 2017 in San Diego, CA (USA)
10/20/2017 “Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro (BCLIS) Improves Postprandial Blood Glucose (PPG) Control vs. Insulin Lispro (LIS) in a14-Day Treatment Study in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)” (Poster 994) presented by Dr. Tim Heise, 77th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 9-13 June 2017 in San Diego, CA (USA)
09/20/2017 “Proportional Dose-Exposure Relationship of Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro (BCLIS) in Healthy Japanese Subjects” (Poster 996), presented by Dr. Grégory Meiffren, 77th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 9-13 June 2017 in San Diego, CA (USA)
06/09/2017 “L’insuline ultra-rapide BioChaperone® Lispro améliore le contrôle glycémique postprandial par rapport à Humalog® chez des sujets diabétiques de type 1” (Abstract CAD-19), presented by Dr. Grégory Meiffren, 2017, Société Francophone du Diabète (France)
06/11/2016 “A Pilot Bioequivalence (BE) Study of Ultra-Rapid Concentrated BioChaperone® Lispro (BCLIS) U200 to BCLIS U100”, (Abstract 2242-PUB), presented by Dr. Grit Anderson, 76th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 10-14 June 2016, New Orleans, LO (USA)
06/05/2015 “Ultra-Rapid BioChaperone® Insulin Lispro (BC LIS): Linear Dose-Response and Faster Absorption than Insulin Lispro (LIS)” (Poster 979), presented by Dr. Grit Anderson, 75th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 5-9 June 2015, Boston, MA (USA)
06/13/2014 “The Ultra-Rapid BioChaperone® Insulin Lispro shows a Faster Onset of Action and Stronger Early Metabolic Effect than Native Insulin Lispro” (Poster 78-LB), presented by Dr. Grit Anderson, 74th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 13-17 June 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA)
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