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Investir Day 2024 – Olivier Soula, Mathieu-William Gilbert
Olivier Soula – Bourse et Valeurs, Lyon Pole Bourse 2024
Web Conférence – BioChaperone Combo – Juillet 2024
Interview Olivier Soula – La France de Demain, Radio Classique – Mai 2024
Olivier Soula – LSX World Congress – Avril 2024 (ENG)
Interview Olivier Soula – Le Journal des Biotechs – Mars 2024
BIO-Europe Spring 2024: Interview de Jérémy Benattar
Web Conférence – Résultats financiers du 4ème trimestre 2023
Olivier Soula – Le Revenu TV – Déc. 2023
Web conférence – Diabète : un laboratoire pour le futur de la santé – déc. 2023
Olivier Soula – Investival Showcase (English)
Olivier Soula – Le Journal des Biotechs
Jérémy Benattar – Investisseur.TV
Olivier Soula – Bourse et Valeurs, Lyon Pole Bourse
EndoC-bH5 cells are storable and ready-to-use human pancreatic beta cells with physiological insulin secretion. Mol Metab. 2023 Jul 11;76:101772

Webconférence du 06 juillet 2023
AdoShell® Islets, a new biomaterial for allogenic islet encapsulation, shows 6 months insulin secretion in diabetic immunocompetent rats, Dr. Ouardane Jouannot, June 23, 2023, 83rd scientific Sessions, ADA 2023, San Diego, USA
Résultats Annuels 2022
A co-formulation of pramlintide and insulin A21G (ADO09) improves postprandial glucose and short-term control of mean glucose, time in range, and body weight versus insulin aspart in adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2023;25(5):1241-1248.

Webinaire Investisseurs du 20 sept 2022
Présentation d’AdoShell Islets 2022
ADO09, a coformulation of insulin A21G and pramlintide (Pram), improves blood glucose control and reduces body weight in subjects with T1D, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, June 27, 2021, ADA virtual event.
ADO09, a co-formulation of pramlintide and insulin A21G improves postprandial glucose (PPG) versus insulin Aspart in type 1 diabetes, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, June 2, 2021, ATTD, Virtual event.
ADO09, a co‐formulation of the amylin analogue pramlintide and the insulin analogue A21G, lowers postprandial blood glucose versus insulin lispro in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2021;23(4):961-970.

ADO09, a co-formulation of amylin analog pramlintide and human insulin analog A21G, reduces postprandial blood sugar compared to insulin lispro in type 1 diabetes, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, September 10, 2020, Société Francophone du Diabète, Virtual Event.
ADO09, A Co-Formulation of the Amylin-Analog Pramlintide and the A21G Human Insulin Analog, Lowers Postprandial Blood Glucose versus Insulin Lispro in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) presented by Dr. Gregory Meiffren, 2020, ATTD, virtual experience.

ADO09, a coformulation of pramlintide (PRAM) and insulin A21G, improves postprandial glucose vs. Novolog(R) in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), Dr. Gregory Meiffren, June 12-16, 2020, ADA virtual experience.
ADO09, a Coformulation of Pramlintide (PRAM) and Insulin A21G, Improves Postprandial Glucose vs. Novolog in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (Poster # 2020-LB-7039-Diabetes), presented by Dr. Gregory Meiffren, June 12-16, 2020, ADA virtual experience.

ADO09, a coformulation of pramlintide (PRAM) and insulin A21G, improves postprandial glucose vs. Novolog(R) in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), Dr. Gregory Meiffren, June 12-16, 2020, ADA virtual experience.
ADO09, a Coformulation of Pramlintide (PRAM) and Insulin A21G, Improves Postprandial Glucose vs. Novolog in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (Poster # 2020-LB-7039-Diabetes), presented by Dr. Gregory Meiffren, June 12-16, 2020, ADA virtual experience.

ADO09, A Co-Formulation of the Amylin-Analog Pramlintide and the A21G Human Insulin Analog, Lowers Postprandial Blood Glucose versus Insulin Lispro in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) presented by Dr. Gregory Meiffren, 2020, ATTD, virtual experience.

“BioChaperone® Combo, A Co-Formulation Of Lispro And Glargine, Improves Postprandial Glucose Control Compared To Lispromix25 Or Lispro And Glargine Injections In Type 2 Diabetes Subjects” (EPO2 E-Poster Viewing), presented by Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 21, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)

“BioChaperone Glucagon Exenatide (BC Glu Exe), a Stable Combination of Glucagon (Glu) and Exenatide (Exe) Achieved Larger Body Weight (BW) Loss than Exe Alone in DIO Mice” (Poster), Author Dr. Martin Gaudier, June 10, 2019, ADA, San Francisco (USA)

BioChaperone pramlintide insulin (BCPramIns), a new co-formulation of pramlintide (pram) and human insulin (ins), improves post-prandial blood glucose versus both separate injections of pram+ins and insulin lispro (lis) in subjects with T1D”, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, June 9th, 2019, ADA, San Francisco (USA)
BioChaperone pramlintide insulin (BCPramIns), a new co-formulation of pramlintide (pram) and human insulin (ins), improves post-prandial blood glucose versus both separate injections of pram+ins and insulin lispro (lis) in subjects with T1D”, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, June 9th, 2019, ADA, San Francisco (USA)
Article : Grégory Meiffren PhD, Theresa Herbrand MD, Ernestos Anastassiadis MD, Oliver Klein MD, J. Hans DeVries MD, Tim Heise MD, Bertrand Alluis PhD, Claire Mégret PhD, Martin Gaudier PhD, Olivier Soula PhD, Leona Plum‐Mörschel MD.
“Better glycemic control with BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) than with insulin lispro Mix25 (LMix) or separate glargine & lispro (G+L) administrations after a test meal in subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DM)”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(7):15701575.
“Better glycemic control with BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) than with insulin lispro Mix25 (LMix) or separate glargine & lispro (G+L) administrations after a test meal in subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DM)”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(7):15701575.

Better glycaemic control with BioChaperone glargine lispro co-formulation than with insulin lispro Mix25 or separate glargine and lispro administrations after a test meal in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(7):15701575.

Heise T, Meiffren G, Alluis B, Seroussi C, Ranson A, Arrubla J, Correia J, Gaudier M, Soula O, Soula R, DeVries JH, Klein O, Bode BW.
“BioChaperone Lispro versus faster aspart and insulin aspart in patients with type 1 diabetes using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion: A randomized euglycemic clamp study.”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(4):1066-1070.
“BioChaperone Lispro versus faster aspart and insulin aspart in patients with type 1 diabetes using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion: A randomized euglycemic clamp study.”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(4):1066-1070.

Comparaison des profils pharmacocinétiques et de pharmacodynamie de l’insuline ultra rapide BioChaperone® Lispro avec les formulations Fiasp® et Novorapid® de l’insuline asparte administrées par pompes à insuline, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, March 27, 2019, Annual Congress of the Francophone of the Diabetes Society, Marseille (France)
Comparaison des profils pharmacocinétiques et de pharmacodynamie de l’insuline ultra rapide BioChaperone® Lispro avec les formulations Fiasp® et Novorapid® de l’insuline asparte administrées par pompes à insuline, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, March 27, 2019, Annual Congress of the Francophone of the Diabetes Society, Marseille (France)
“BioChaperone Combo, une combinaison fixe d’insuline lispro et d’insuline glargine, améliore les profils de glycémie postprandiale par rapport à un premix d’insuline lispro et les administrations séparées d’insuline lispro et d’insuline glargine dans une étude de phase 1 chez des sujets diabétiques de type 2” (Poster), Author Dr. Claire Mégret, March 26, 2019, Annual Congress of the Francophone of the Diabetes Society, Marseille (France)

“BioChaperone Glucagon, une formulation de glucagon liquide, stable, prête à l’emploi, est bien tolérée et rétablit rapidement la normoglycemie après une hypoglycémie provoquée par infusion d’insuline” (Poster), Author Mr. Aymeric Ranson, March 26, 2019, Annual Congress of the Francophone of the Diabetes Society, Marseille (France)

The Ultra-Rapid Insulin BioChaperone® Lispro bolused by insulin pump shows favourable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics vs. faster Aspart and insulin Aspart, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 23, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)
The Ultra-Rapid Insulin BioChaperone® Lispro bolused by insulin pump shows favourable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics vs. faster Aspart and insulin Aspart, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 23, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)
“BioChaperone® Glucagon, A Stable Ready-To-Use Liquid Glucagon Formulation Enabled By Biochaperone Technology, Is Well Tolerated And Quickly Restores Euglycemia After Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia” (E-Poster Discussion 05), presented by Mr. Aymeric Ranson, February 22, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)

“BioChaperone® Combo, A Co-Formulation Of Lispro And Glargine, Improves Postprandial Glucose Control Compared To Lispromix25 Or Lispro And Glargine Injections In Type 2 Diabetes Subjects” (EPO2 E-Poster Viewing), presented by Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 21, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)

BioChaperone Lispro versus faster aspart and insulin aspart in patients with type 1 diabetes using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion: A randomized euglycemic clamp study. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(4):1066-1070.

Andersen G, Meiffren G, Lamers D, DeVries JH, Ranson A, Seroussi C, Alluis B, Gaudier M, Soula O, Heise T.
“Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro improves postprandial blood glucose excursions vs insulin lispro in a 14-day crossover treatment study in people with type 1 diabetes.”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2018;20(11):2627-2632.
“Ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro improves postprandial blood glucose excursions vs insulin lispro in a 14-day crossover treatment study in people with type 1 diabetes.”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2018;20(11):2627-2632.

The ultra-rapid insulin BioChaperone® Lispro shows favourable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics compared to faster insulin aspart and insulin aspart in insulin pumps, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1-5 October 2018, Berlin (Germany)
BioChaperone® Lispro, an Ultra-Rapid Insulin Lispro formulation improves post-prandial blood glucose control in a 14-day multiple daily insulin injection study in Subjects with T1DM, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 14-17, 2018, ATTD, Vienna (Austria)
“BioChaperone® technology enables the development of pramlintide-prandial insulin combinations” (Poster 811), presented by Dr. Remi Soula, 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1-5 October 2018, Berlin (Germany)
“BioChaperone® 222, the new excipient enabling the ultra-rapid BioChaperone® Lispro formulation, is completely absorbed and rapidly excreted after subcutaneous injection” (Poster 816), presented by Dr. Olivier Soula, 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1-5 October 2018, Berlin (Germany)
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