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“BioChaperone® Combo, A Co-Formulation Of Lispro And Glargine, Improves Postprandial Glucose Control Compared To Lispromix25 Or Lispro And Glargine Injections In Type 2 Diabetes Subjects” (EPO2 E-Poster Viewing), presented by Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 21, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)

Article : Grégory Meiffren PhD, Theresa Herbrand MD, Ernestos Anastassiadis MD, Oliver Klein MD, J. Hans DeVries MD, Tim Heise MD, Bertrand Alluis PhD, Claire Mégret PhD, Martin Gaudier PhD, Olivier Soula PhD, Leona Plum‐Mörschel MD.
“Better glycemic control with BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) than with insulin lispro Mix25 (LMix) or separate glargine & lispro (G+L) administrations after a test meal in subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DM)”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(7):15701575.
“Better glycemic control with BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) than with insulin lispro Mix25 (LMix) or separate glargine & lispro (G+L) administrations after a test meal in subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DM)”
Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(7):15701575.

Better glycaemic control with BioChaperone glargine lispro co-formulation than with insulin lispro Mix25 or separate glargine and lispro administrations after a test meal in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2019;21(7):15701575.

“BioChaperone Combo, une combinaison fixe d’insuline lispro et d’insuline glargine, améliore les profils de glycémie postprandiale par rapport à un premix d’insuline lispro et les administrations séparées d’insuline lispro et d’insuline glargine dans une étude de phase 1 chez des sujets diabétiques de type 2” (Poster), Author Dr. Claire Mégret, March 26, 2019, Annual Congress of the Francophone of the Diabetes Society, Marseille (France)

“BioChaperone® Combo, A Co-Formulation Of Lispro And Glargine, Improves Postprandial Glucose Control Compared To Lispromix25 Or Lispro And Glargine Injections In Type 2 Diabetes Subjects” (EPO2 E-Poster Viewing), presented by Dr. Grégory Meiffren, February 21, 2019, ATTD, Berlin (Germany)

“Better Postprandial Glucose (PPG) Control with BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) than with Lispro Mix25 (LMx) or separate Glargine & Lispro (G+L) Administration in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)” (Poster 1001), presented by Dr. Tim Heise, 78th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 22-26 June 2018, Orlando, FL (USA)
“Better Postprandial Glucose (PPG) Control with BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) than with Lispro Mix25 (LMx) or separate Glargine & Lispro (G+L) Administration in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)” (Poster 1001), presented by Dr. Tim Heise, 78th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 22-26 June 2018, Orlando, FL (USA)
BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) improves postprandial glycemia vs. Humalog® Mix 75/25™ (HMx) in people with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM, Dr. Steven V. Edelman, 76th Scientific Sessions American Diabetes Association 11-13 June 2016, New Orleans, LO (USA)
“Profil pharmacodynamique de BioChaperone® Combo, une co-formulation liquide des insulines lispro et glargine, chez des sujets diabétiques de type 2” (Abstract CAD-19), presented by Dr. Martin Gaudier, 2017, Société Francophone du Diabète (France)
“BioChaperone® Combo, une co-formulation liquide des insulines lispro et glargine, présente un contrôle glycémique amélioré par rapport à un premix d’insuline.” (Abstract CAD-19), presented by Dr. Claire Megret, 2017, Société Francophone du Diabète (France)
BioChaperone® Combo, a co-formulation of lispro and glargine, demonstrates both prandial and basal insulin time-action profiles in a single injection in type 2 diabetes, Dr. S. Bruce, 52nd European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting, 12–16 September 2016, Munich (Germany)
“BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo) reduces post-prandial glucose in type 1 diabetes compared to conventional lispro mix 75/25 (LMx)” (Poster 836), presented by Dr. S. Bruce, 52nd European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting, 12–16 September 2016, Munich (Germany)
“Pharmacodynamic (PD) Profile of BioChaperone® Combo (BC Combo), a New Combination of Rapid-Acting and Long-Acting Insulin, in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)” (Poster 942), presented by Dr. Simon Bruce, 76th Scientific Sessions American Diabetes Association 11-13 June 2016, New Orleans, LO (USA)
“Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic (PD) Characteristics of BioChaperone Combo (BC Combo), the First Fixed Combination of Glargine and Lispro, in Type 1 Diabetes”, (Poster 83-LB), presented by Dr. Ulrike Hövelmann, 74th Scientific Sessions American Diabetes Association 13-17 June 2014, San Francisco, CA, (USA)
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