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A co-formulation of pramlintide and insulin A21G (ADO09) improves postprandial glucose and short-term control of mean glucose, time in range, and body weight versus insulin aspart in adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2023;25(5):1241-1248.
ADO09, a coformulation of insulin A21G and pramlintide (Pram), improves blood glucose control and reduces body weight in subjects with T1D, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, June 27, 2021, ADA virtual event.
ADO09, a co-formulation of pramlintide and insulin A21G improves postprandial glucose (PPG) versus insulin Aspart in type 1 diabetes, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, June 2, 2021, ATTD, Virtual event.
ADO09, a co‐formulation of the amylin analogue pramlintide and the insulin analogue A21G, lowers postprandial blood glucose versus insulin lispro in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab., 2021;23(4):961-970.
ADO09, a co-formulation of amylin analog pramlintide and human insulin analog A21G, reduces postprandial blood sugar compared to insulin lispro in type 1 diabetes, Dr. Grégory Meiffren, September 10, 2020, Société Francophone du Diabète, Virtual Event.
ADO09, A Co-Formulation of the Amylin-Analog Pramlintide and the A21G Human Insulin Analog, Lowers Postprandial Blood Glucose versus Insulin Lispro in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) presented by Dr. Gregory Meiffren, 2020, ATTD, virtual experience.
ADO09, a coformulation of pramlintide (PRAM) and insulin A21G, improves postprandial glucose vs. Novolog(R) in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), Dr. Gregory Meiffren, June 12-16, 2020, ADA virtual experience.
ADO09, a Coformulation of Pramlintide (PRAM) and Insulin A21G, Improves Postprandial Glucose vs. Novolog in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (Poster # 2020-LB-7039-Diabetes), presented by Dr. Gregory Meiffren, June 12-16, 2020, ADA virtual experience.
ADO09, a coformulation of pramlintide (PRAM) and insulin A21G, improves postprandial glucose vs. Novolog(R) in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), Dr. Gregory Meiffren, June 12-16, 2020, ADA virtual experience.
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